Does your child suffer from an overbite or underbite?

Does your child suffer from an overbite or underbite?

If your child currently suffers from a jaw discrepancy, or you are worried the growth of their jaw could be effecting their bite an orthodontic assessment may be needed.

Every orthodontic assessment by Dr Skilton and Dr Yap focuses not only on the relationship of your teeth, but also on the positions of your upper and lower jaws, the maxilla and mandible respectively.  Our jaws are the foundations upon which our teeth are based and not surprisingly our jaw relationship often has a profound impact on whether you display protruded upper front teeth, or conversely a reverse-bite / under bite.

Successful treatment of jaw discrepancies depend on several factors; the cause and severity of the jaw relationship mismatch, the timing of the growth spurt and the amount of growth remaining, and your genes, which you get from your parents.  The type of jaw mismatch is also very important.  Early treatment of a reverse-bite / under bite may be required, whereas correction of a small mandible may be better left till the growth spurt.  Girls usually hit their growth spurt at approximately 11 – 13 years while boys achieve peak growth at approximately 13 – 15 years.

Genetics plays a large role in your growth pattern and your final jaw relationship, just like it dictates your final height.  But it is not the only factor determining your jaw growth.  The soft tissues (such as the lip) and airways can also influence your jaw relationship.  Dr Skilton and Dr Yap will also taken into account your overall facial profile (lips, nose and chin) when determining the best orthodontic treatment plan to address a jaw discrepancy.

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